So, a year ago, I bought a box of old Mason Jars. There was one blue one, but I had to get the whole shebang just so I could have the blue one. Needless to say, I suddenly had extra jars hanging about.
I also had been to Ikea and found their cord set. (A similar style to the one below..but it plugs in...don't ask, we have a mid-century modern home, with all sorts of unique amenities!!)
After the idea came to me (...I won't lie, it took awhile...) I decided to simply combine the two! The Ikea cord set simply screws together to put their shade on, so all I needed to do was make a hole in the top of the mason jar lid that was large enough to fit the light socket through and screw the flat plate onto the other side.
I used a variety of tools to make the hole in the lid...but learned that clamping the metal jar lid to something on both sides and using a drill bit and screwdriver to punch out the area; is by far the best/safest method.
So, this is the result!
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